Hi there!

Thank you for considering a donation to Maharishi Purusha.

Enjoy profound knowledge and support world peace.

If you love Bhagavad-Gita sessions with Raja Bright as much as we do and would like to support coherence-creating groups around the world, you came to the right place, because now you can do two things in one stroke.

Bank Transfer

Account holder: Stichting Studiefonds


IBAN: BE24 9672 1940 1838

Bank: Wise Europe

Address: Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor, Brussels 1050, Belgium

Important: In the reference please write if you donation will be ‘One time’ or ‘Monthly’

If you are paying for someone else than please send us the name of the person together with the bank transfer receipt to donations@maharishipurusha.org

Don’t feel like donating today? No worries.