Fulfillment on all levels – take the next step on your Bhagavad-Gita journey!
Saturday, August 17–Saturday, August 31, 2024 — Oebisfelde, Germany
A profound course featuring Dr. Tony Nader and led by Vedic scholars Daniel Pal and John Bright
Tony Nader, MD, PhD, global leader of the TM organizations
An exclusive invitation into newly-unfolded gems from the Gita
In the powerful atmosphere of Maharishi Purusha, enjoy a deep dive into the wisdom of Maharishi's unpublished commentaries on Chapters Nine and Ten of the Bhagavad-Gita where Lord Krishna reveals to Arjuna the deepest wisdom for the liberation of any man.
If this teaching is followed, effectiveness in life will be achieved, men will be fulfilled on all levels, and the historical need of the age will be fulfilled also. —Maharishi
In a series of recorded lectures given by Dr. Tony Nader, held on a dynamic and interactive course led by Gita experts Daniel Pal, PhD, (in-person) and John Bright, PhD, (via Zoom), you will gain a much deeper understanding of the cosmic play of Silence and Dynamism along with practical knowledge, indispensable to any seeker of Truth.
Daniel Pal and John Bright
Chapters Nine and Ten
The essence revealed
In chapter Nine the Lord reveals to Arjuna the deepest secret wisdom about the essential nature of the most evolved life on earth and its for the liberation of any man.
Chapter Ten Provides profound insight into the glories of the omnipresent nature of the Divine that permeates every fiber of reality, both absolute and relative, and “gives us the knowledge to own the great eternal glory and dignity of God and enjoy life in fulfillment.” —Maharishi
Plus profit from the power of the Maharishi Purusha group
Imagine a place where Your Evolution comes first, where you have the time and space to Be Your SELF.
This opportunity takes place in the powerful atmosphere of Maharishi Purusha – a program specifically designed for men looking to discover and realize their full potential via deep meditation, profound knowledge, and the best experiences of their lives. Learn more about the Maharishi Purusha program.
The Oebisfelde Peace Palace, Germany. Meet your new home-away-from-home.
Two hours west of Berlin, the Oebisfelde Peace Palace has been radiating peace as a home to Purusha since December 2003. The facility is adjacent to a wonderful mixture of scenic natural beauty waiting to be explored.
Course details
Men currently practicing the TM-Sidhi program.
Arrival: Saturday, August 17, 2024
Departure: Saturday, August 31, 2024
Oebisfelde Peace Palace, Germany
14 nights for 980€
For those sincerely wishing to join who cannot otherwise afford the course fee, scholarships may be available – please contact Tadej to learn more.
Additional Information
Course prerequisite
Course participants must have read Maharishi’s Translation and Commentary of Chapters 1–6 of the Bhagavad-Gita, (ideally fairly recently) and taken the Bhagavad Gita chapters 7&8 course.
Special opportunity – get Chapters 9 & 10 in print!
You’re free to order your own newly published Chapters Nine and Ten of Maharishi’s commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita; only available to course participants.
For women’s courses please visit the Mother Divine Program.
I shall declare to you without reserve this knowledge combined with experience, knowing which there remains nothing else to be known here. —Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita
Join us to experience the Power of the Gita for yourself.
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Stay infinite!
You Maharishi Purusha team.
Tadej, Ankit, Giorgio, and Rick.
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